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13 Wrestlers Who Died In The Ring

13. Gary Albright

Gary Albright was a brute of a man. Standing 6'3″ and tipping the scales at 350 lbs (25 stone), he won numerous honors as a novice wrestler. Beginning as a school wrestler, he won state, national and after that big showdowns in the mid 1980s. In the wake of moving on from college, he started preparing in expert wrestling, With so much legends as Lou Thesz and Billy Robinson preparing him, it was no astonish that he ended up being a strong master, with a reasonable rather than pompous style. His first real advancement was Stu Hart's Stampede Wrestling in Canada, where he turned into a label group champion with Makhan Singh (Mike Shaw, otherwise known as Bastion Booger). They vanquished no to a lesser degree a group than The British Bulldogs to win the title.

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